Public Services

I serve as priest in the community People And Praise, where we celebrate the Holy Eucharist every month and on major festivals in a private home in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Upcoming services are:

Sunday 22 December 2024

Advent and Christmas: The anticipation and arrival of God in our midst.

Sunday 12 January 2025

Baptism of Our Lord: Jesus publicly receives his mandate from the Father.

Time and Contact Information

Mass is celebrated at 12 noon, normally on the first Sunday of every month as well as on major festival days during Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Pentecost.

It is always a joy and privilege to welcome new participants, or curious or questioning souls to our small community. Since the celebrations take place in a private home, though, we ask you to get in touch in advance so that we we can welcome you with open arms and hearts.

Who We Are

The People and Praise community is an independent community of Christians who practice the Catholic Faith with hope and joy. We are an open and nonjudgmental community with a special ministry to those who feel they have been marginalised, unheard or wounded by aspects of the institutional Church.

We currently serve as a local expression of the White-Robed Monks of St Benedict, an independent catholic order of monks and priests with a mission to serve the People wherever, and in whatever situation they may find themselves.

Other Services

Sacramental and other services: Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation (Confession), Weddings, Funerals, House Blessings, and Annointing of the Sick can all be conducted within the context of the People and Praise community or, if you prefer, privately. Please either email me at the link above or use the contact form on this touch to request.