Jesus did not turn people away. Through him, God says yes to all who seek him. God says yes to you.
This is the guiding principle of White Robed Monks of St Benedict, an independent Catholic jurisdiction in which I serve as a priest. In this spirit, we strive to be present to all who need us, offering the grace of God through Word and Sacrament to any who ask.
I am based in the Netherlands, and serve the People of God in the Benelux and surrounding areas, as far as is practicable.
Public Worship
See this page for details of the People and Praise worship community and upcoming service times.
Sacraments and Services
- Baptism: This sacrament form the foundation of Christian life, and is the means by which we are admitted to the family of God. Available for adults or children.
- Confirmation: For those who were baptised as children, and wish to confirm their commitment to the Christian faith and receive the strengthening gift of the Holy Spirit in their efforts to live in the Way of Christ.
- Eucharist: In the Mass, God is made present to us in the humble species of bread and wine. Intimate, contemplative liturgies can be celebrated in my home or the venue of your choice.
- Reconciliation: In the Sacrament of Reconciliation (sometimes called Confession), you work with a priest to identify and remove obstacles to your sense of intimacy with God, and with the help of the Holy Spirit have that intimacy restored.
- Marriage: Both opposite- and same-sex weddings are celebrated as signs of God’s love made real in the world. Previous divorce is no impediment, and marriages may be celebrated at the venue of your choice. Interfaith weddings are welcomed and I am happy to work alongside clergy of other faiths, as long as they are willing to do so too.
- Anointing of the Sick: Prayers for the sick or dying, with the laying on of hands and anointing with holy oils.
- Funerals and memorials: Not a sacrament, but an important way for us to honour and mourn the deceased.
Consider getting in touch if you are looking to encounter the Divine Mystery through any of these sacraments.
Please note that although liturgical texts in either Dutch or English can be used, sermons will be delivered in English. Marriages must have been legally registered by the relevant gemeente before the religious marriage ceremony.
On principle we do not charge fees for sacramental services which are, after all, the work of God and not of us. However if substantial travel or accommodation costs are involved, we ask that you compensate us for those. It is also customary to recognise the tim, effort and expenses of the sacramental minister through a freewill thank offering to the extent that you are able to do so.
Prayer, Counselling and Discussion
We all struggle with faith, and with living lives of compassion and meaning. For a nonjudgmental discussion about these topics, or to request prayer or Mass intentions, by all means get in touch via the contact page. Although my time is limited (I am a priest and a working scientist trying to complete a PhD while developing future career prospects), I will do my best to reply constructively and look forward to fruitful discussions.
Bear in mind that I am not a mental health professional. If you suffer from depression, bipolar disorder or other mental illness, I am very happy to work with you on the spiritual dimensions of your experience, but you should speak to appropriate health professionals too!
(Note also — the internet is a rough and ready place. The above is not an invitation to trolling behaviour, which will be ignored and/or blocked.)
Mailing List and Blogs
In conjunction with this website I run a blog and mailing list that publishes weekly (approximately) articles. Posts are particularly focused on issues of spirituality for scientists, academics and other ‘professionally curious’ people, however the list is open to all who share an interest in faith and spirituality in the context of science and the modern world.
In the context of the mailing list, my Christian perspective serves strictly as my perspective, not as a prescription for what anybody else should believe, and I welcome relevant articles and correspondence from those of other faiths or none.
Peace, compassion and joy to you.